Ion search
215 total results found
Ion | Data Type | Data Contents | File Details |
H | ADF07 | Electron Impact Ionisation Coefficients | ADF07 dere07#h.dat |
H | ADF07 | Electron Impact Ionisation Coefficients | ADF07 ionelec_szd#h.dat |
H | ADF07 | Electron Impact Ionisation Coefficients | ADF07 szd93#h_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | SCD: Effective Ionisation Coefficients | ADF11 scd96_t.dat |
H | ADF11 | CCD: CX Cross Coupling Coefficients | ADF11 ccd96_d.dat |
H | ADF11 | YCD: Mean charge state squared | ADF11 ycd96_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | PRB: Recombination and Bremsstrahlung | ADF11 prb96_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | PRC: Charge exchange emission | ADF11 prc96_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | SCD: Effective Ionisation Coefficients | ADF11 scd89_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | PRB: Recombination and Bremsstrahlung | ADF11 prb93_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | PLS: Specific line emission | ADF11 pls96_t.dat |
H | ADF11 | ECD: Mean ionisation potential | ADF11 ecd96_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | ZCD: Mean charge state | ADF11 zcd96_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | SCD: Effective Ionisation Coefficients | ADF11 scd93_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | CCD: CX Cross Coupling Coefficients | ADF11 ccd89_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | ACD: Effective Recombination Coefficients | ADF11 acd96_t.dat |
H | ADF11 | PLT: Line Emission from excitation | ADF11 plt96_t.dat |
H | ADF11 | CCD: CX Cross Coupling Coefficients | ADF11 ccd96_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | ACD: Effective Recombination Coefficients | ADF11 acd93_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | PRB: Recombination and Bremsstrahlung | ADF11 prb96_t.dat |
H | ADF11 | PRC: Charge exchange emission | ADF11 prc96_d.dat |
H | ADF11 | ACD: Effective Recombination Coefficients | ADF11 acd89_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | PRC: Charge exchange emission | ADF11 prc89_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | PRB: Recombination and Bremsstrahlung | ADF11 prb95_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | PRB: Recombination and Bremsstrahlung | ADF11 prb89_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | PLT: Line Emission from excitation | ADF11 plt89_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | ZCD: Mean charge state | ADF11 zcd89_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | ACD: Effective Recombination Coefficients | ADF11 acd12_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | SCD: Effective Ionisation Coefficients | ADF11 scd96_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | PLT: Line Emission from excitation | ADF11 plt96_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | CCD: CX Cross Coupling Coefficients | ADF11 ccd96_t.dat |
H | ADF11 | ACD: Effective Recombination Coefficients | ADF11 acd93r_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | PRC: Charge exchange emission | ADF11 prc96_t.dat |
H | ADF11 | PRB: Recombination and Bremsstrahlung | ADF11 prb12_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | ECD: Mean ionisation potential | ADF11 ecd89_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | SCD: Effective Ionisation Coefficients | ADF11 scd12_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | PLT: Line Emission from excitation | ADF11 plt12_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | YCD: Mean charge state squared | ADF11 ycd89_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | PLT: Line Emission from excitation | ADF11 plt93_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | PLS: Specific line emission | ADF11 pls89_h.dat |
H | ADF11 | ACD: Effective Recombination Coefficients | ADF11 acd96_h.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 copha#h_hah96h.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 copha#h_bn#h96h.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 ls#h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 copsm#h_h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 ls#h0_t5.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 hlike_call87h.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 hlike_bn#l91h.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 hlike_hpsh91h.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 copha#h_ha97h.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 copha#h_bn#97h.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 ha00_n#h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 ic#h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 ic#h0_t5.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 hlike_aek89h.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 hlike_ha00#h0ls.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 hlike_wjdh92#h.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 copha#h_hal96h.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 copha#h_bn#l96h.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 ls#h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 ic#h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 ha00_ls#h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 ls#h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 hlike_agg1983h.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 hlike_cmcd83h.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 hlike_bn#h91h.dat |
H0+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 hlike_hpsl91h.dat |
H0+ | ADF07 | Electron Impact Ionisation Coefficients | ADF07 szd93#h_h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF13 | Ionisation Per Photon Coefficients | ADF13 sxb96#h_pjr#h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF13 | Ionisation Per Photon Coefficients | ADF13 sxb12#h_pju#h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF13 | Ionisation Per Photon Coefficients | ADF13 sxb96#h_pju#h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF13 | Ionisation Per Photon Coefficients | ADF13 ionelec_sxb#h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF15 | Photon Emissivity Coefficients | ADF15 pec12#h_pju#h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF15 | Photon Emissivity Coefficients | ADF15 ionelec_pec#h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF15 | Photon Emissivity Coefficients | ADF15 pec96#h_pjr#h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF15 | Photon Emissivity Coefficients | ADF15 pec12#h_paschen#h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF15 | Photon Emissivity Coefficients | ADF15 ionelec_pec#h0x.dat |
H0+ | ADF15 | Photon Emissivity Coefficients | ADF15 pec96#h_pju#h0.dat |
H0+ | ADF15 | Photon Emissivity Coefficients | ADF15 pec12#h_balmer#h0.dat |
H1+ | ADF01 | Charge Exchange Cross Sections | ADF01 qex#he0_1s-s_kvi#h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF01 | Charge Exchange Cross Sections | ADF01 qcx#he0_kvi#h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF01 | Charge Exchange Cross Sections | ADF01 qcx#h0_ory#h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF01 | Charge Exchange Cross Sections | ADF01 qcx#h0_ex3#h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF01 | Charge Exchange Cross Sections | ADF01 qcx#he1_gyt#h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF01 | Charge Exchange Cross Sections | ADF01 qcx#h0_e2s#h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF01 | Charge Exchange Cross Sections | ADF01 qcx#h0_e2p#h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF01 | Charge Exchange Cross Sections | ADF01 qex#li0_2s_kvi#h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF01 | Charge Exchange Cross Sections | ADF01 qcx#he0_gyt#h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF01 | Charge Exchange Cross Sections | ADF01 qcx#h0_gyt#h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF01 | Charge Exchange Cross Sections | ADF01 qcx#h0_old#h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF04 | Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections | ADF04 ls#h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF08 | Radiative Recombination Coefficients | ADF08 rrc93##_h1ls.dat |
H1+ | ADF08 | Radiative Recombination Coefficients | ADF08 rrc98##_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF08 | Radiative Recombination Coefficients | ADF08 rrc93##_h1lsh.dat |
H1+ | ADF08 | Radiative Recombination Coefficients | ADF08 rrc97##_h1ls.dat |
H1+ | ADF08 | Radiative Recombination Coefficients | ADF08 #like_h1ls.dat |
H1+ | ADF08 | Radiative Recombination Coefficients | ADF08 rrc93##_h1lsl.dat |
H1+ | ADF12 | Charge Exchange Effective Emission Coefficients | ADF12 qef93#he_kvi#h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF12 | Charge Exchange Effective Emission Coefficients | ADF12 qef93#h_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF12 | Charge Exchange Effective Emission Coefficients | ADF12 qef93#he_gyt#h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF12 | Charge Exchange Effective Emission Coefficients | ADF12 qef93#h_gyt#h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc33#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc11#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc21#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMS: Effective beam stopping coefficients | ADF21 bms98#h_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMS: Effective beam stopping coefficients | ADF21 bms10#h_fast_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc13#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc22#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc12#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMS: Effective beam stopping coefficients | ADF21 bms93#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc32#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc23#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc31#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMS: Effective beam stopping coefficients | ADF21 bms93#h_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMS: Effective beam stopping coefficients | ADF21 bms10#h_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc33#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc11#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc21#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc13#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc22#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc12#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMS: Effective beam stopping coefficients | ADF21 bms98#h_fast_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMS: Effective beam stopping coefficients | ADF21 bms97#h_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMS: Effective beam stopping coefficients | ADF21 bms97#h_fast_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc32#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc23#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF21 | BMX: Metastable beam excitation coefficients | ADF21 gcrc31#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm396_m1f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm318_m1s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm492_m1f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm728_m3s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm318_m3f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm667_m2s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm728_m3f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BMP: Beam populations | ADF22 bmp10#h_3_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm587_m3s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm667_m3f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm504_m1s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm501_m3s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 bme10#h_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm587_m1f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm447_m2s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm504_m2f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm501_m2f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm471_m3s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm447_m1f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BMP: Beam populations | ADF22 bmp98#h_3_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm706_m2s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm471_m2f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 bme97#h_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm388_m3s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm706_m2f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BMP: Beam populations | ADF22 bmp97#h_4_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm396_m3s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm388_m3f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm492_m3s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm396_m3f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm318_m2s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm492_m3f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm728_m2s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm318_m1f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm667_m1s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm728_m1f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BMP: Beam populations | ADF22 bmp10#h_2_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm587_m2s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm501_m2s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm667_m1f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm504_m3s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 bme98#h_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm587_m3f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm447_m1s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm504_m1f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm501_m1f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm471_m1s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm447_m2f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BMP: Beam populations | ADF22 bmp98#h_4_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm706_m1s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm471_m1f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BMP: Beam populations | ADF22 bmp97#h_3_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm388_m2s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm706_m1f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm396_m2s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm388_m2f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm492_m2s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm396_m2f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm318_m3s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm492_m2f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm728_m1s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm318_m2f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BMP: Beam populations | ADF22 bmp10#h_4_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm667_m3s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm728_m2f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm504_m2s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm587_m1s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm501_m1s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm667_m2f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm447_m3s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm504_m3f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm587_m2f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm471_m2s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm447_m3f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm501_m3f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm706_m3s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm471_m3f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BMP: Beam populations | ADF22 bmp98#h_2_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm388_m1s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm706_m3f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BMP: Beam populations | ADF22 bmp97#h_2_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm396_m1s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm388_m1f#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF22 | BME: Effective beam emission coefficients | ADF22 nm492_m1s#he_h1.dat |
H1+ | ADF39 | Photoionisation Cross-sections | ADF39 nrb05##_h1ic1-0.dat |
H1+ | ADF39 | Photoionisation Cross-sections | ADF39 nrb05##_h1ls1-0.dat |
H1+ | ADF48 | Radiative Recombination Rate Coefficients | ADF48 nrb05##_h1ls.dat |
H1+ | ADF48 | Radiative Recombination Rate Coefficients | ADF48 nrb05##_h1ic.dat |